Political Parties
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In addition to the two main political parties in the United States, the Republicans and the Democrats, links are provided to other, minor US parties. These parties span the political spectrum. The appearance of these links does not necessarily constitute my endorsement of their stands or beliefs. The links are presented so that you can learn what these parties stand for in their own words, rather than by the opinions of others. Thus, can make informed decisions and debate with others concerning the stands of various political candidates based on their party affiliation, and not necessarily just by what they publicly espouse during election time. This will give you more insight as to what their ideological basis is, and what they are likely to do should they take office.
National Party Organizations
- Republican National Committee - National Republican Party website. States in their party oath that they "believe that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done but cannot be done, or cannot be done as well by individuals, and that the most effective government is government closest to the people." This site contains party news, press releases, online journals.
- Democratic National Committee - National Democratic Party website. "The national party organization for the Democratic Party of the United States. It was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792." Their constitution preamble states "we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens." This site provides general background information about the DNC, as well as, other information relating to the Democratic party.
- The Libertarian Party - National Libertarian Party website. This site provides general information about the Libertarian party, as well as membership information, directories, lists, official documents.
- The Constitution Party - Formerly the U.S. Taxpayer's party, the Constitution Party stands firmly on the principles of government laid down by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Site contains Constitution Party stands on a variety of issues, membership information, local party affiliates, and other information.
- The Natural Law Party - National Natural Law Party website. Stands for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics, and proven solutions to America's problems designed to bring the life of the nation into harmony with natural law."
Users can find a party introduction, list of party candidates, and text of the party platform.
- National Reform Party - Provides press releases, news articles, and information on campaign '96 and party activities. Users can find party statements on the issues relating to ethical standards for the White House and Congress, balancing the federal budget, campaign reform, term limits, taxes , Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and lobbying issues.
- Green Party US - The Greens/Green Party in the United States is part of the worldwide movement that promotes ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy and non-violence. This site includes access to platforms, state party contact lists, and a publication list.
- The Democratic Socialists of America - describes itself as "the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. DSA's members are building
progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics". Provides links to DSA documents, committees, publications, etc.
- The Socialist Party USA - "Strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at
home, and in the community." Users can find party information, information on Socialist candidates, and the party's stand on issues.
- Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) - describes themselves thus: "a revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers' democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political, and legal equality to women, people of color, gays, and all who are exploited, oppressed, and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot -- imperialism."
- Communist Party USA - describes themselves as a "a Marxist-Leninist working-class party that unites Black, Brown and White, men and women, youth and seniors. We are a Party that speaks out from a working-class point of view on every vital issue." The party Home page provides information about the Communist Party, a list of regional offices, and documents and position papers. NOTE: Open in new tab.
State Party Web Pages
Bexar County Party Web Pages